Lets breakdown a snip-it of code from one of these profiles: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\2040656402 true true 0 2040656402: Harmony 2.0.4-3 (CitiesHarmony.dll) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\1040854450\PineTree_giant.crp true 1040854450: PineTree_giant The XML profiles can be easily modified do to their simplicity. %LocalAppdata%\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\LoadOrderConfig.xml You can also modify the current profile in use, though I do not recommend it because it could have some unknown side effects. Reminder: The profiles are stored here: %LocalAppdata%\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\LOMProfiles This part is for advanced users that want to modify the XML profiles produced by the LOM tool without needing to put up with the LOM tool. Pokes mods to find out load order issues. Load mods in a phased manner.īreadth-first-load. save/–save= is same as -loadSave –loadSave=ĭepth-first-load. –loadSave=”Path\To\Save.crp” => load game this file loadSave or -continuelastsave => continue last save game/–game= is same as -newGame/–newGame

–newGame=”Path\To\Map.crp” => load game from this file –newGame=mapName => load a game from this map newGame => start a random new game (good for testing new mods on empty maps if you are too lazy to type map name) sman: Ignore CS completely and go straight into Subscription manager. this can help to solve load order issues. load mods in a phased manner: load dlls -> GetExportedTypes -> Instantiate UserMods -> OnEnable (each phase is performed for all mods before moving to the next phase). noAssets: does not load any custom assets including local assets.
Originally posted by Load Order Mod wiki:Ĭommand-line options are case-sensitive. They are great for mod debugging, advanced users, modders, and asset creators. LOM adds new command line options to Cities: Skylines. When unsubscribing from this mod ALWAYS make sure that you have everything included. If I unsubscribe from this mod with some things excluded will they come back? Including/excluding mods and assets will make the game not find them they will not show up in the content manager. They are presets that that save enabled/disabled mods and included/excluded mods and assets. Profiles are XML files that are by default stored here: %LocalAppdata%\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\LOMProfiles Auto-Save: Toggles the tool’s auto save.Save To Game: Saves the Load Order, include and exclude toggles for mods and assets, and the mod status.Reload All: Reloads the mod and asset page.Include toggle: Toggles whether the asset is included.The filter box lets you search for assets.The third dropdown menu is for filtering a type of asset (for example, trees or props).The second dropdown menu is for filtering local or workshop assets.The first/second dropdown menu is for filtering included or excluded mods.More on included and excluded mods and assets later.Triple click on a a number in the order pane to manually set its load order.Enable: Toggles whether the mod is enabled.Include toggle: Toggles whether the mod is included.Randomize Order: Randomizes the load order of mods.Reverse Order: Reverses the load order of mods.Sort By Harmony: Sorts mods in an order that makes sure that harmony and all of the mods dependent on it loads first solving potential errors.Reset order: resets the load order of the mods to the game’s default.The filter box lets you search for mods.The third dropdown menu is for filtering local or workshop mods.The second dropdown menu is for filtering enabled or disabled mods.The first dropdown menu is for filtering included or excluded mods.More on included and excluded mods and assets later.